Sunday, 15 March 2009


Hi it's me Robby79,
I would like to show you how to fish!
Step 1: Buy a fishing pole from Joe at the Fishing Hole

Step 2: Go to the edge of the fishing hole (Pond)
Step 3: Click anywhere on on the water
Step 4: Wait until the end of the pole:

Bobs up and down like this:

Step 5: Click on it before the fish gets away and this should appear:
Well, not the exact same fish but you might get this one!
Step 6: Sell your fish to Joe!

I hope you enjoy this site as much as me!


1 comment:

  1. Nice blog dude! However, you do know that your hit counter doesnt work right? Everytime anyone refresh the page or go to another page on this blog it automatically counts it as another hit.


Since 14 March 09